Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Book Swap on Thursday

On Thursday, Pine River is having a book swap.  Students have been bringing books they no longer want in the hopes that other students may want them.  On Thursday, students can see what was brought in, and maybe grab some new favourites.

Today in math we started division, using it as a method to share equally.  Here is a website to review at home:
Division Mine

In English, we continued to work on our Jacques Cartier projects.  Please see yesterday's post for more details.

Have a good night!


Monday, March 23, 2015

Welcome back!

Tanned, rested, and ready to go!!  Well, rested and ready to go anyway.  I hope everyone had a good March Break.  The first day of Spring came on Friday, and by Saturday we had a few new centimetres of snow! Today was at least the last day for snow pants, right?

In math, we worked on our multiplication skills.  This is definitely something to work on at home, and practice makes perfect.  Flash cards are useful tools for this, allowing students to become more confident in their mental math abilities, and making problem solving easier.  Here is a fun Harry Potter based site we worked with today.
Lord Voldemath

In English, and Social Studies, we are working on a research project on Jacques Cartier.  Here are a few of the sites we looked at when doing our research:



For parents, here is a good resource for helping to identify mental health disorders in children and youth.  One in five children under 19 experience a mental, behavioural, or emotional disorder.  Early identification can be an important factor ini treatment.
Kids Mental Health

Have a good night!

Thursday, March 12, 2015

One Day to Go!

Only one more day until a well-deserved March Break.  If you're heading to someplace sunny, enjoy!  If not, well, at least the snow has started to melt.

In math we have been working on multiplication.  Here is a site to follow up with:
World Cup Math

A new site I just learned about is called Prodigy Math.  It is a role-playing game involving wizards and magic that asks the players math questions as they progress through the game.  I have created a login for each of my students that comes to me for math (only first names were used).  An information letter will go home tomorrow with your child's login info. 
Here is the site if you want to check it out:
Prodigy Math

St. Patty's Day comes over the March Break.  Here are some sites:
Crossword Puzzle
Word Search

Finally, tomorrow (Friday) is pajama day.  Everyone is dressed for school right away!  Have a good night!