Thursday, October 28, 2010
It's Gettting Spooky Around Here!
Reminder - there are still a few TV logs that need to be completed and returned to class.
Reminder - Friday is orange and black day
Due Date - final drafts of recounts are due tomorrow (Friday).
Notes home - wrap order forms and paper copies of the newsletter went home today, also some student photos.
Today, students heard the sotry "Maybe a Bear Ate It" and made three predictions during various points in the text. Also, we did a shared reading exercise on Medieval Construction Zones. Finally in literacy, we worked diligently to finish our recounts for tomorrow. Many students are finished and worked on a Free Write.
In math we talked about how much sleep we get at night and looked at a different type of graph, called a line plot.
For grade threes, we are coming to the end of our unit on mapping skills in Social Studies.
Tomorrow, during the last 100 min. of the day, grade four will get to go to a dance. Grade threes will not, but will be offered a game time/free time. Feel free to let your child bring a board game in to play.
Have a good night.