Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Tomorrow (Wednesday) - tomorrow is the Tag-stravaganza outdoor activity from 1:45 - 3pm. Students will be outdoors having a blast in the snow, so make sure that you dress for the wind and the cold! Friday - Our spirit assembly is Friday, so wear your house colours! Monday the 14th - Red, White, and Pink day! 4s are invited to the school dance. Grade threes can bring games, appropriate for school, or activities to do. Please leave your video games at home. Due date - Persuasive essays about Optimism are due this Thurs. (10th). Report cards are scheduled to go home on Friday, February 18th. Holiday - Family Day is Feb. 21st, everyone enjoys the day off. In math, we worked with tangrams again, exploring congruent shapes. Congruent shapes are identical in size and shape. Here is another tangram site: Virtual Tangrams The grade 3s also discussed symmetry Click on the small circle to make this one work: Symmetry Colour one side of the picture, then challenge someone to match it on the other side. Colour symmetry Have a good night!