Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Thank you

A big thanks to the students of grade 3/4.  It was a pleasure to be your teacher these past two weeks.  I thought we had an excellent start.  Best of luck with the rest of your year.  Mr. B.

Don't forget, tomorrow is picture day.

For those who ordered books this month, I gave the order slips to the librarian who will place the order.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Monday - pizza day has been cancelled for Monday.  Please make sure you send a lunch with your child.

Homework - there won't be much homework assigned this year outside of the reading log.  Students are asked to complete their Allegory of Clearview art piece for Monday.  Many students are finished already. 

Reading Log - remember to read for 15 min. each night.

Book orders - book orders are due Tues., Sept. 20th.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Sept. 22nd - Super Hero Day - come as your favourite super hero.

Tomorrow (Friday) - tomorrow we have a Spirit Assembly, so be sure to wear your house colours.

In English, we are working on visualizing.  Students were asked to listen to a story and draw what they visualized, as well as picking two words the author used that helped them picture what was happening in the book.  Yesterday we read "Watch Out! Big Bro's Coming!" by Jez Alborough, and today we read "Ish" by Peter Reynolds,  "Ish" is available at Tumblebooks.  Tumblebooks  Look for the login and password in your child's agenda from the first week.

In math, we continue to work on place value.  Try this site for follow up, you may want to turn the sound down. Bongo Blocks

Yesterday in Science, the 3s planted their bean seeds.  For a sneak peek into the future, take a look here:
Watch It Grow!

Have a good night!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Book orders - Book orders are due next Tuesday.

Grade 3s - In science tomorrow, we will be planting bean seeds and may get more than just our hands dirty.  It is a good idea to wear clothes you're not too worried about getting stained. 

In math, we continued working on place value.  Here are some fun sites to check out:

Safari Units

Place Value Pirates

Place Value Puzzler

A Lesson on Place Value

Shark Numbers

Snakes and Ladders

In Health, we started talking about personal safety.  Take some time to talk to your child about things that worry them.  By doing so, you can give some safety tips and help ease their worries. 

Have a good night!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Note home - There was a note sent home today indicating that the date for the Welcome BBQ has been changed to Sept. 22nd.

Book Orders - Book order catalogues were sent home today, and are due no later than Tuesday, Sept. 20th.

Home Reading Program - Your child brought home a yellow folder today to log their home reading.  Students have been asked to read for 15 min. each night, even on weekends, with parents being asked to initial when this has been completed. Students record 15 min. per day. For example, if a student read for 15 min tonight, they would complete one entry in their log. If a student read for 1 hour tonight, they would still only complete one entry. Entries are for each day. Once thirty entries are completed, hopefully in thirty days, your child will receive a promotion in our ranking system. The nautically themed ranks are: Powder Monkey - start, Cabin Kid - 30 days, Mate - 60 days, Lieutenant - 90 days, Commander - 120 days, Captain - 150 days, Commodore - 180 days, Admiral - 210 days, Admiral of the Fleet - 240 days, Rear Admiral of the Fleet - 270 days. There is plenty of time before the end of June for all students to achieve the highest rank. Good luck to all. 

Math  -  Today we started exploring place value and expanded form.  Here are some follow up sites:

Cookie Dough Spell the Number

Place Value up to the Hundreds Column

Place Value in Words and Numbers

Virtual Base 10 Blocks up to the 1000s Place

Expanded Form Up to 10 000

Grade Four Quiz

Grade Three Quiz

Have a good night!

Friday, September 9, 2011


Here it is Friday already.  It sounds like it will be a beautiful, warm weekend, so make sure you take time to get out and enjoy it!

Notes - please make sure to sign and return any notes that are still at home.  Check this past Wednesday's post for a list of what was sent home, and which ones need to be returned.  Thanks to those who have already sent theirs back.

Milk - Students in 3/4 can purchase milk at the school Paw's Up! store for $1 during the second nutrition break.

Pizza - Monday is our first pizza day.  The cost is $2.25 a slice.

Change of date - the Welcome Back BBQ has been changed from Thurs. Sept. 15, to Sept. 22nd. 

Have an excellent weekend.   

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Wow, hard to be believe it is day 3 already!  The students are settling into their new surroundings and routines.  I think we're off to a great start. 

Yesterday, the grade 3s started off their Science unit on Plants.  We focused on understanding how much we depend on plants for our survival.  As we head into the fall fair and harvesting season, try to talk with your child about all the different uses of plants they see around them. 

In math, we have been looking at identifying basic patterns.  Today we met a friend named Spiney, and watched him grow over three days.  Based on the patterns they identified, students had to predict what
Spiney would look like on day 7.  Grade 3/4 then went on to work on creating their own creatures that grow.

In English, we started talking about Visualization today.  By listening to and reading stories, we let authors paint pictures or show movies in our minds.  As the students listened to a short story about a lollipop, it was amazing to hear how the students imagined so many interesting details.  Audiotapes are wonderful resources for practicing this strategy.

In art, students are preparing a piece called "Allegory of Clearview Meadows" for next week's Welcome Back BBQ.  It is based on Diego Rivera's Allegory of California.   See the picture above. 

Please remember to send back the forms that were sent home on the first day. Today, the Back to School edition of the "Kids Scoop News" went home.

Have a good night!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


A big welcome back to school to everyone!  Thanks for checking into our blog.  Here is a great way to start the year, a visit with Franklin the Turtle.  Check out this link:
Franklin Goes to School

You can also check out the book at Tumblebooks.Tumblebooks.  The login and password are in you child's agenda.  In the search bar, type "Franklin" and you should see Franklin Goes to School among many other great books.

Handouts (and there were lots!) - on the first two days of school the following were sent home, with the red font indicating the form needs to be signed and returned:
- agenda
- classroom newsletter
- school newsletter
- dress code information
- school photo selection sheet
- Student Accident Insurance sheet
- Safe Arrival Consent Form
- Permission and Indications form for photos, publishing, etc.
- Acceptable use guidelines for computers
- Student Information Verification form
- School council parent nomination form
- Wasaga Beach YMCA information sheet
The bottom two were sent home with the youngest or only child each family sends to this school.

Have a good night!