Thursday, September 8, 2011

Wow, hard to be believe it is day 3 already!  The students are settling into their new surroundings and routines.  I think we're off to a great start. 

Yesterday, the grade 3s started off their Science unit on Plants.  We focused on understanding how much we depend on plants for our survival.  As we head into the fall fair and harvesting season, try to talk with your child about all the different uses of plants they see around them. 

In math, we have been looking at identifying basic patterns.  Today we met a friend named Spiney, and watched him grow over three days.  Based on the patterns they identified, students had to predict what
Spiney would look like on day 7.  Grade 3/4 then went on to work on creating their own creatures that grow.

In English, we started talking about Visualization today.  By listening to and reading stories, we let authors paint pictures or show movies in our minds.  As the students listened to a short story about a lollipop, it was amazing to hear how the students imagined so many interesting details.  Audiotapes are wonderful resources for practicing this strategy.

In art, students are preparing a piece called "Allegory of Clearview Meadows" for next week's Welcome Back BBQ.  It is based on Diego Rivera's Allegory of California.   See the picture above. 

Please remember to send back the forms that were sent home on the first day. Today, the Back to School edition of the "Kids Scoop News" went home.

Have a good night!