Friday, February 25, 2011

Tuesday - Dear Mrs. LaRue writing is due tomorrow. Today we had our character assembly. The character trait for March is Honesty. We have moved on from Synthesizing to Analyzing Texts. We will focus on the characteristics of different types of writing, such as what makes a narrative a narrative, what makes a report a report, etc. Here is a great description of what makes a Cinderella a narrative. Elements of a story Here is a game to help organize sentences into paragraphs. Our students probably don't have the background knowledge for the Cricket game, but try out the one about the Accident. The paragraph game. Today, we worked on creating nets to form 3-D shapes in math. Please see this past Friday's post for websites for practice. Have a good night. Tomorrow is St. David's Day, or the 1st of March. Lion or lamb?
Due Date - Dear Mrs. Larue writing tasks are due Tuesday Wraps - wrap orders are due Tuesday. In math, we have been working on 3-D shapes, like prisms and pyramide. We also have been studying the use of nets. Nets are 3-D shapes that have been flattened out into their 2-D shapes. Prisms and Pyramids Prisms and Pyramids Quiz Geometric Solids Practice your cube nets Mighty Math Calculating Crew Nets Have a good night.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Wednesday - wear pink to show your support to "Stop Bullying!" Thursday - from 6:30 - 8pm is Family Fun Night here at the school. Report Cards - please sign and return the bottom portion of the report card. In math, we have moved on to 3-d shapes from 2-d. Here are some sites: Click underneath the word "Introduction" to see different PRISMS in 3-D. Names of different 3-D shapes. A fun shape space game. Have a good night.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Holiday - remember, Monday is the Family Day holiday. See you Tuesday. Note home - Chicken wrap order forms for March went home today, due March 1st. Here is a link to last year's Grade 3 and Grade 6 EQAO assessments, with scoring guides. EQAO Stability Websites - Check these fun sites out to practice using your knowledge of stability. Build a bridge Different Kinds of Forces Bridge It Stability Build a Tipi

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Please - we need all the newspapers we can get for a science project, so keep sending them in! Thanks for all the kleenex boxes as well. Book orders - due tomorrow (Thurs.) Feb. 23rd - Wear pink to support anti-bullying. Feb. 24th - Family Fun evening 6:30 - 8pm. Today in math we worked on sorting quadrilaterals. On Friday, we will have a quiz on symmetry, shapes, and symmetry. Try this site. Make some shapes Health - check out this fun quiz on healthy living. Health Quiz Have a good night.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Help - please send in a box of kleenex for our class, and any old newspapers you can. Please return - please review, sign, and return the package of work that was sent home last week. Book orders - are due this Thursday the 17th. In grade 3 Science, we worked on designing and building our group structures today. Check out this site: I hear spring is on its way soon. Cross your fingers! Have a good night.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

Note home - for youngest/only students a pamphlet on the Magic of Children Arts Exhibition went home today. Please return - please sign the package of work that went home last week and return. Thanks to everyone who has brought theirs back. Help - we need kleenex (for runny noses) and old newspapers (we are using them for a science activity). Thanks to everyone who has brought it some already. Today in math we had our first class on angles. We discussed the right angle, and tried comparing other angles to it. For grade 3s, we started a unit on the Pioneers in Social Studies. Here are a couple of fun games to play and explore to gain a small understanding of what life was like for them. Sydenham Discovery Kids' Site of Canadian Settlement (remember, Don't Wake the Polar Bear!!!!!!) Happy Valentine's Day!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Tomorrow is Spirit Day, so make sure to wear your house colours Monday is Red, White, and Pink day. Grade 4 are invited to the dance at the end of the day, 3s are invited to bring games or activities they would like to do during that time. Please return - a package of work your child has done since the fall student-led conferences went home yesterday. Please review this work with your child, sign the top form, and return the package. Thanks Help - we are desperately in need of kleenex for our classroom. The sniffles are still here. Help, part two - we need any and all newspapers for a science project we will be doing very soon. In math, we are working on symmetry and 2-D shapes. Here are some sites: Shape Investigator Shape Sorter Symmetry Best symmetry web site ever! Have a good night!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Its Canada, its February, and its cold, but out we went today for Tag-stravaganza! Grade 3/4 participated in 7 fun activities, and even made it to the hot chocolate station. We even ordered a little extra snow for the event. PLEASE! - our classroom is out of kleenex, please send a box in to help us with the sniffles. - send in old newspapers for an upcoming science project. Friday - wear house colours for Spirit assembly Book orders - due Thurs. Feb. 17th Have a good night.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Tomorrow (Wednesday) - tomorrow is the Tag-stravaganza outdoor activity from 1:45 - 3pm. Students will be outdoors having a blast in the snow, so make sure that you dress for the wind and the cold! Friday - Our spirit assembly is Friday, so wear your house colours! Monday the 14th - Red, White, and Pink day! 4s are invited to the school dance. Grade threes can bring games, appropriate for school, or activities to do. Please leave your video games at home. Due date - Persuasive essays about Optimism are due this Thurs. (10th). Report cards are scheduled to go home on Friday, February 18th. Holiday - Family Day is Feb. 21st, everyone enjoys the day off. In math, we worked with tangrams again, exploring congruent shapes. Congruent shapes are identical in size and shape. Here is another tangram site: Virtual Tangrams The grade 3s also discussed symmetry Click on the small circle to make this one work: Symmetry Colour one side of the picture, then challenge someone to match it on the other side. Colour symmetry Have a good night!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Due Date: Optimism persuasive writing pieces are due Thursday. In math today we started a unit on 2-d shapes in geometry. We discussed the concept of parallel lines and used tangrams to make shapes. Curious about tangrams? Want a challenge? Check out these sites. Like Tetris, it is addictive. Tangram Challenge Tangram Game What can you build? Have a good night!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Note home: February newsletters went home today with youngest/only who do not receive them electronically. In math, we started exploring mass today, using grams and kilograms. Try these for practice: Animal Weigh-In Balance Scales Have a good night!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Ask your child about the Sigmund Brouwer visit today. You could hear a pin drop at times! Note home - the Kids Scoop newspaper was given out today. Here is the site we looked at today in Grade 3 Science. It describes and models many of the forces we are studying Forces Have a good night.