Wednesday, June 29, 2011

A big thanks to students and parents alike for a wonderful year.  It has been a pleasure working with all of you, and I wish you all a restful and enjoyable summer. 

For those interested, the content of the blog will remain up for at least the summer, so if you are looking for fun and educational activities here and there, give it another look.

All the best, T. Babcock

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Another sure sign that the school year is down to hours, instead of days and weeks, is the grade 8 graduation ceremony that takes place tonight here at the school starting at 7pm.

Most of the work that students have done has been sent home already, and report cards go home today, so everyone should have a manageable load to take home tomorrow.  However, the binders, pencil cases, indoor shoes, etc. still take up a lot of room, so bringing a plastic bag or two is probably not a bad idea. 

The students have asked to have a party tomorrow.  I will provide the drinks (juice).  Please know that there is NO expectation of snacks or anything else to be brought in.  I, for one, would benefit from fewer snacks in my diet. Students are allowed to bring a movie (G rated only please) to possibly watch and a game they may want to play during the afternoon. 

Have a good night.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Well, we're definitely down to the short stokes here.  It still hasn't sunk in for me that this is our last week.

Report cards - will be sent home tomorrow (Tues.).

Notes home - youngest/only students have a note on Heritage Day, and another from The Door Youth Centre.  All students have a note on school supplies for next year.

Our last math classes deal with the relationship between decimals and fractions.  Here are the (last) follow-up sites.


Relating Fractions and Decimals

Convert Fractions to Decimals

Our last health class was today as well.  Grade 3's have focused on reproduction, and have joined the grade 4s as they work on what it means to resolve conflicts with family and friends. I have had some trouble finding appropriate websites for follow up.  I think for these areas, nothing can replace conversations at home.

Have a good night.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Today in art, some students began a project based on Van Gogh's "Starry Night".  Here, take a look.

The Starry Night

Have a good weekend.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Notes home - for youngest/only student at the school -Summer Family Fun from SUMAC.
                  - Kid's pass for the CNE
                  - Canada's Wonderland Starlight Spectacular coupon
                       - Ontario 2011 Fun Pass
                       - Georgian Bowl coupon

Today was our Jump Rope for Heart fundraiser.  Luckily, the rain held off.

Have a good night!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Today we had a nice surprise, as the grade 7/8 class put on a multicultural fair.  Students learned about a number of different countries around the world and were able to compare cultural differences.  It's a big world out there!

Note home - on the Creemore Children's Festival on July 16th.

Creemore Children's Festival

Social Studies Grade 4 - the Social Studies teacher has asked that anyone interested in taking their castle project home to please do so by the end of the day Friday.  There were a lot of really well done projects.

In math, we have been working on adding and subtracting decimals to the hundredths place.  Here are some follow up sites:

Hundredths Quiz

Add and Subtract Hundredths Quiz

Modelling Decimal Hundredths


Decimal Detective Game  (Pick Rookie or Cargo for decimals to the tenths place)

Tomorrow (Thurs.) is our Jump Rope for Heart fundraiser for the Heart and Stroke Foundation.  The event starts at 1:40, so hopefully the rain will be done by then.  Students should bring appropriate footwear and clothes to exercise in, as well as sunscreen and a water bottle.  Also, one of the activities may involve them getting wet, so a change of clothes is a good idea.

Have a good night.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Thursday is our annual Jump Rope for Heart event.  Pledges were due today, so please get them in as quickly as you can. 

In math, we started working on subtracting decimals to the tenths column on Friday, and continued today.  Here are some follow up sites.


Subtracting Decimals

In English, we are looking at identifying the author's opinion when reading.  Today, we talked about an article about Watson, the computer that played human opponents on Jeopardy! a few months ago.  Students offered their ideas about whether we should develop computers that "think".  What do you think??  We also have been writing about what we would put in a time capsule that, 50 years from now, would let people know what life was like in 2011.  What would you put in?

In Health, growth and development is our topic, with the grade 3s learning about the reproductive process.

Have a good night.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Jump Rope for Heart money is due this Monday, the 20th. 

In English, we are working on identifying the point of view of the author when reading texts.  Today, we read an article called "So Long, Penny?", which talked about reasons why we should get rid of the penny.  Many students had interesting ideas to share, and most were reluctant to give up their penny collections. Look for the article in backpacks tonight.

In math, we continued work on adding decimals.  Look for the corrected worksheet in your child's agenda tonight.

Have a good night!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Today was our area Track and Field day here.  You couldn't order a better day to be out and competing, the weather so far has been excellent.

In math, we started working on adding decimals together.  We made it about halfway through the first exercise, so don't be too concerned if your child has difficulty with the quiz.  We will spending the remainder of the week at least on this concept.

Adding Decimal Tenths Quiz

Addition of Tenths

In Health, we started discussing the four stages of development (infancy, childhood, adolescence, and adulthood).  Mnay students had comments about their memories of the first two, and questions about what to expect as they move from the childhood stage to adolescence.  Take some time to talk to your child about their thoughts and questions.

Have a good night.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Jump Rope for Heart money is due next Monday, the 20th.

In math, we continue to work on decimals.  Tomorrow we learn how to add two decimals together.

Have a good night.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Today was our Spirit Assembly.  Wow, it is hard to believe there are only 13 school days left (14 for the teachers). 

We had a nice surprise today as one of the resource teachers from the Board office spent time with our class, as well as many others, educating about aboriginal culture. It was a great way to start our day.

Grade 3's put the exclamation mark on their EQAO experience with a nice ice cream sundae treat.  The 3's are to be commended for their hard work and effort this year getting prepared.  Enjoy the ice cream, you deserve it!

Here are some of the sites grade three have looked at during our Social Studies unit on the Early Settlers and the First Nations.

The Great Upper Canada Adventure

Kids' Site of Canadian Settlement

Have a good weekend.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Friday is our Spirit Assembly, so students should wear gym clothes that are also their house colours. 

Book orders, the last of the year, are due tomorrow.

Yesterday in English, the students played this fun inference game.

Inference Battleship

In math, we worked a bit more on decimals.  See yesterday's post for some sites.

Have a good night.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Reminder - with the hot weather, please ensure your child has a refillable water bottle here at school.

Book orders - the last book order of the year is due this Friday.  No worries about the mail strike, the books are delivered by CanPar.

Rockin' Rockets - the Engineering Science Quest from the University of Waterloo gave a number of workshops in the school today.  Grade 3/4 had a blast (hah!) making rockets that they actually got to test out.  

In math, decimals continue to be the order of the day.  Today we worked on decimals larger than one.  


Number Lines (great for practice)

 In Health, we have started studying growth and development.  Today, we discussed how mammals give birth to their young and feed them using their own milk.  We also talked about the characteristics of human babies and toddlers, emphasizing the students' own experiences. I am having a difficult time finding websites for appropriate follow-up. Take some time to talk to your child about what we learned today.

In our staff meeting the other night, we talked about the following little cookbook that focuses on tasty and healthy treats for bake sales. I found more than a few for myself.  It comes from the Nutrition Resource Centre and is funded by the Government of Ontario.   Take a look here:

Bake It Up

Have a good night!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Note home - June newsletter with the youngest/only student at the school.

Note home - information on Jump Rope for Heart and the Great Northern Exhibition for the youngest/only student at the school.

Kids Scoop News for June sent home with all students.

In math, grade 4 worked on decimals and the tenths column.


Comparing Decimal Tenths

Fraction Bars

Library Books - all books are to be returned to the library by this Friday, the 10th.  This is a sure sign that the school year is coming to an end.

Friday is our monthly spirit assembly.

EQAO - today was day 3 of the assessment, with a language and the last half of the mathematics booklet.  Tomorrow is the last day!

Have a good night.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Today, EQAO continued.  The grade 3s and 6s are halfway home!!

Tomorrow (Friday) - a PD day for the teachers, a long weekend for students.

Book orders - the last book order for the year is due next Friday (the 10th).  I called Scholastic today to find out what would happen if Canada Post was on strike.  Scholastic uses a courier service, so delivery of the order would not be affected.

The grade 4s trudged along on their own today.  In literacy, they worked on their letters to the Principal, trying to persuade her to start summer vacation on June 1st.  I'm not sure how parents would feel about that.

In math, we continued our exercises from yesterday.  See yesterday's post for some website follow up.

During art, we worked on our tessellation projects.  I posted a website in the last week or two to help you make you own at home.  The artist Escher was famous for his versions of this art form.  Here is everything you ever wanted to know about tessellations, and probably a little bit more.


Have a good weekend.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Friday is a PD day, no school for the kiddies.  Not so lucky for the teachers.

Today was the first day of EQAO assessments for grades 3 and 6. 

The grade 4s carried on with a review of fractions with an eye towards working with decimals over the next few days.  Here are some follow up sites.

Fun With Fractions


Have a good night.  Go Canucks!!