Monday, February 2, 2015

Groundhog Day!

On this snowy, blowy day, it is hard to think about spring coming.  Turns out, our groundhog friends agree.  Check this out: CBC News - Groundhog Day  This activity is for the younger set, but it is fun: Groundhog Day

Curriculum Corner
In math, we have been working on shapes lately.  Here is a site some of the students have been using: BBC Shape Lab.

In Language, we are working on reports, and focusing on non-fiction texts.  This is a game to help with proofreading: Proofread

In the News!
Tomorrow (Tues. Feb. 3rd) at 9am the Speech competition takes place.
On Friday, Zumba starts for grades K-8, and takes place every Friday for the month of February..

Hope you found this first post useful, and that you'll check back later.