Monday, November 1, 2010
All Saint's Day
Well, once again, the big day has come and gone. Sugar lows have kicked in, but brown bag lunches are filled with sweet treats. All Hallow's Eve 2010 is in the books again, and today is traditionally known as All Saint's Day.
Today we started our unit on narratives by discussing what exactly the chartacteristics of a narrative are. As well, we began talking about making inferences while we are reading. Inferences are those details that are not explicitly in the text, but can be assumed by reading.
In math, we began the final graphing activity, graphing the results of our TV logs.
Today was another starter, as we began practicing for our song in the Remembrance Day assembly.
Reminder - the sign up list for student led conferences is in the hall ready to go. Sign up quickly to make sure there is a time that is right for you.
Have a good night.