Friday, November 19, 2010
Thanks to everyone who joined in the Student Led Conferences over the past few days. It is wonderful to watch the students' excitement as they shared what they have been up to. If you would like to schedule another, please contact me here at the school and give a day's notice so I can ensure I am available.
Reminder - Monday is a PD day, so there are no classes for the students.
Note Home - a note went home with the youngest/only students regarding the grade 8's cheese fundraiser for their graduation trip.
Grade 3 have started a new unit in Science. They are studying forces. Here is a nice introduction to what we will be talking about.
Grade 3 have also started a unit on Urban and Rural communities. Here is a quick primer on what we've discussed so far.
Grade 4 are working on the Provinces and Territories in Social Studies. Here is a fun site about a province we are very familiar with.
Here is a site from the BBC to help practice spelling.
Today was the math test on Patterning. It will go home next week for parent signature. Next week, back into the Number Sense and Numeration.
Have a good weekend