Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Reminder -students have been asked to have a parent sign their most recent math test
Note home - a note went home today regarding our Holiday Baskets - Our class is putting together a basket for coffee lovers. My favourite for sure.
Today in math we continued working on our mental math skills by playing a game called Ten Ten Ten. Ask your child to describe what they did, and what strategy they used to win.
Grade three had Social Studies today where they continue to study Urban and Rural communities. Here is a great game from TVO kids to help them explore Canada.
Today, we had Phys. Ed. Friday will be our next visit to the gym.
Reminder - tomorrow is pizza day.
Reminder - book orders are due next Wednesday, the 1st of (yikes) December.
Here is one of the best sites I've ever come across for all curriculum areas from grades K-8. Mr. Chapman is a teacher in the Ottawa Carleton Board and has done a LOT of work, as you will see when you hit this link.
Have a good night.