Friday, January 14, 2011
Due Date - remember the Health assignment on food choices in other countries is due Tuesday, Jan. 18th.
Note home to be returned - the MacLaren Museum is doing an inservice with students on the 19th. The cost is $5.00 for a half day.
Book orders - book orders are due Tues. Jan. 18th
Reminder to bring - bring your favourite book in for our oral book report assignment
Reminder - students are to read for 15 min. each night and record it in their reading log.
Pizza - Monday is pizza day.
In math, we continue to work on telling the time on digital and analog clocks, as well as measuring elapsed time. Here is a great site for both kinds of clocks that I posted earlier.
A calculator for finding the difference between two times.
Today, we had our spirit assembly which is always a good way to end our week. Remember that next Friday is sports apparel day.
Have a good weekend.