Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Quiz - Students will have a quiz on linear measurement tomorrow (Wed.), including perimeter.
Due Date/Note home - The health assignment, handed out last week and further discussed today, is due next Tuesday, Jan. 18th. Please see the note that went home.
In health today, we continued to discuss food and how following Canada's food guide helps us with our healthy lifestyles.
Here is a cool site that gives information on just about every piece of produce you can think of. So, if you're iinterested in finding out more about the kumquat, this is the place.
Here are some recipes, including some for those with medical conditions such as diabetes and lactose intolerance.
In math, we finished our discussion of perimeter and started working on another kind of measurement, time. Time takes (no pun intended) time to grasp fully,. Please take every opportunity you can to quiz your child on what time it is, particularly with analog clocks.
Here are some practice sites.
A little game to see how fast you can set 5 clocks
Probably the best site for exploring analog clocks, and a little feature that allows you to switch over to digital.
Have a good night.