Monday, January 3, 2011
Welcome Back
Happy new year!! I was glad to see that everyone made it through the break safe and sound. I hope your holiday was enjoyable.
Reminders - chicken snack wrap orders were due today
To be Signed - math tests went home today. Please take the time to review and initial them with your child.
Character Trait - The character trait for January is Optimism.
In English, we started a unit on making connections to what we are reading. There are three general types of connections: text-to-text, text-to-self, and text-to-world. In writing, we started a unit on persuasive essays. Your child will take a position on an issue, why you shouldn't smoke for example, and give reasons to support their opinion.
Today in math we started a unit on measurement. There are many topics we will be exploring, such as time, temperature, area, and perimeter. We started today with linear measurement (cm, mm, m, km, etc.). For tonight, here are a couple of websites on symmetry
Have a good night.