Friday, November 26, 2010

Reminder - book orders are due Wednesday, Dec. 1st Reminder - students are to read for 15 min. each night and make a record in their log. Reminder - tomorrow is Phys. Ed. Today in math, we continued to work on mental addition strategies. No calculators allowed for a little while!!!!! Here are some fun sites to practice with: This link is a little funny, if the game does not pop up immediately, make sure you have the entire address. For some reason the "online/brcks2.swf" does not always come up. A neat site that lists a couple of mental math strategies, then below them is a place to practice. Finally, below that are some follow up games. Today was our character education assembly, with Courage being the focus for November. Our class sang a couple of songs as part of a choir - "You Can Do It If You Try", and "Start All Over Again" They were in fine form. We'll be starting soon on our Holiday concert song, but we're keeping that a surprise! Have a good night.